The studio behind Untitled Goose Game, House House, has announced its next game, a multiplayer title called Big Walk. A trailer showcased at The Game Awards showed off the first look at Big Walk, with a group of ant-like people adventuring together through a mix of realistic and cartoonish environmentsVenir de Tragamonedas Gratis Online. “Hang out and get lost with close friends in a big world,” the Big Walk website describes the game.
According to the game’s Steam description, Big Walk is “a co-operative multiplayer game about teamwork and talking.” The game is an open world sandbox full of “challenges, puzzles, and discoveries.” Communication is a major theme in the game, with multiple tools players can use to stay in contact. When some of these fail, players will have to dream up more creative ways to communicate.
While the game has objectives you can work towards, House House also encourages people to simply relax and enjoy the scenery with friends–or enjoy the shenanigans you can pull on other players. “Spending time with friends is the best part of a big walk.” the description finishes.